This term we have been learning about economics and the world and how things are traded and sold around the world. Here are the key concepts for this topic and there meanings.
Economy is a process of which money, goods and services are bought around the entire world,
all into a system of how money works in our/that country. Economy can also be used to help others in
need, that is why we ( people with jobs ) pay taxes. Taxes go to helping the earth such as roads and
more. It is also to help the government and finally to help people without a job or people who struggle
in life. All of these come under the economic system. So basically economy is money, goods and services
all into one.
Trading can be defined in many terms but this is the true or main meaning of trade.
Trade is an act of selling your items in exchange for another. So in other words trade is pretty much
exchanging items for items. Here is an example of trade: if I had a kit kat chocolate and
I wanted a hershey chocolate and my friend had a hershey, I would ask if they want to trade and if
they agree we would swap items or in this case chocolate. Other people like to trade online, in person
or through shipment. Trade can be done many ways but only you can make it happen.
Globalisation is everything sold around the world, everything that is bought and sold whether it's online or in person. Also globalisation is the process of markets across the world become more integrated thanks to the exchange of goods and services. The process of incrisingley interconnected because of massive increase trades throughout the world. The meaning of interconnected is mutually joined or related, so this pretty much means joining with others not only to trade but talk about economy and all globally things. In today's world we all live in a world were economic globalisation is cared about a lot and is more known to men/woman.
We’ve also been learning about exported products and what countries and places they get exported too.
This company I have chosen is NZAS. NZAS also known as the New Zealand Aluminium Smelters make
the NZ export product aluminium. This product was made in 1971 and is located in Tiwai in the south
island. This company makes aluminium and aluminium is great to keep food fresh, is easy to carry and is
totally not eatable.