Tuesday, 2 January 2018

Playing Games

Activity 2: Playing Games


you have to get the ball in the net to score a point

No part of your arms are allowed to touch the ball only the goaly
No pushing to get to ball
play fear
No cheating

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mahuta,

    Ruby here from the Summer Learning Journey! It's great to see that you've been working on these activities. Well done!

    This is a great activity about playing soccer. Do you play soccer? I only play soccer for fun but my brother plays in a team and enjoys himself a lot.

    Just a reminder that for this activity, you were asked to talk about one of the traditional Maori games that were listed on the Summer Learning Journey website. It would be great if you could also tell us about one of those!

    Keep up the good work and remember to read the activity carefully before blogging :)
