Saturday 30 December 2017

Toku Pepeha

Activity 2: Acknowledging Ancestry

This is my mihi

Ko Motatau te maunga

Ko Taikirau te awa

ko Ngatoukiraumatawharewa te waka

ko Motatau te marae

Ko Ngati te taraua te hapu

ko Ngatihine te iwi

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mahuta,

    Ruby here from the Summer Learning Journey!

    Great work with this activity! Well done. Have you written your pepeha before? It seems as though you may have!

    You've decided to leave out the section that includes your name and your parents names. Is there a reason for that or did you just forget? :)
    Knowing your pepeha is very important I think. It allows us to acknowledge our ancestors and also understand ourselves.

    I look forward to reading more of your blog over the summer.
