Wednesday 19 December 2018

The WWF: World Wildlife Fund

My finale activity

1 comment:

  1. Ata mārie Mahuta

    That’s awesome that you have watched both videos and answered questions about both of them. Which video was your favourite to watch? I liked watching the video about the tiger protectors because it shows anyone can be a tiger protector. Pavel Fomenko and Singye Wangmo are both on the ground in the countries trying to stop poaching and protect tigers. While ollie Sidwell is living his life in the UK and he does his part by donating and not buying products that support the poaching of any endangered animals.

    It's great to see you using images to illustrate your blog posts. Every time that we use an image on our blog, it's really important that we tell our readers where we found it, and give credit to the owner of the picture. To properly credit a picture you will need to include a link to the site where you found the image. We have created a guide that you might find helpful. You can check it out here:

    You will need to follow these instructions to earn full points for any Summer Learning Journey activity that has asked you to post an image.

    Keep up the great work!

    Blog ya later,

