Monday 24 December 2018

The great taupo cycle challenge

My 2nd activity

1 comment:

  1. Mōrena Mahuta,

    Thank you for sharing your support crew with me, it is really awesome to see that you have such a supportive system backing you up. It looks like everyone in your support crew bring different skills to the table, which is awesome when you doing a challenge because you’re getting help in all the different areas.

    I like that your mum supports you through everything I could imagine her giving you water and cheering from the sideline. Because your dad is sporty, I could imagine him training you before the event, so your fitness levels are good enough for the race. Lastly, your Aunt will be helping you get in the right mindset, giving you positive thoughts and keeping your mind on track for all the challenges you might face while doing this race.

    Keep up the awesome work!

    Georgia E
