Tuesday 8 January 2019

The Sky in Shanghai

3rd activity from yesterday

1 comment:

  1. Mōrena Mahuta,

    I would love to travel to Shanghai to see the cultural differences and also to taste their yummy food! Why would you want to travel to China?
    This is a really important poem that you have made as It’s honest, sad and factual as well. You have done a really good job on emphasising (giving special importance in) the consequences of pollution.
    It is so sad that there are 1.1 million people died last year from air pollution-related causes. I think they have to really start trying to minimise pollution levels. Can you think of any ways they can do this?

    Don’t forget that you can get extra points by posting meaningful, thoughtful and positive comments on any other bloggers post! Keep up the awesome work!

    ngā mihi,
    Georgia E
