Friday 20 December 2019


First activity for today.

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Mahuta,

    How are you today? It's great to see you enjoying the programme and completing so many activities - keep up the great work!

    I love how colourful you've made this post, and how you've put the cloud in the middle of the circles, it is very effective! One thing you could try next time would be a different colour for your words (maybe black), to make it easier to read.

    Whanau is also one of the most important things for me too. That is so lovely that you have a clock to remember your friend who moved away. Hopefully you can see her again someday! The photo of your Nan sounds very special too. It can be very hard missing someone you never got the chance to meet, but that's so nice you have that photo to treasure.

    I hope you have a lovely break, Mahuta. Keep the great blogging up!

    Ngā mihi,
