Tuesday 24 December 2019


Finale activity for today.

1 comment:

  1. Kia Ora Mahuta,

    Well done for writing an interesting letter to Jacinda Ardern about our country’s plastic usage. I completely agree that we had a massive plastic problem here and around the world. Luckily the government is starting to put policies and rules in place to help. On July 1st 2019, the government banned single use plastic bags ( bags like the plastic bags you used to get at the supermarket). Can you think of any ways you and your whanau can reduce the amount of plastic you use? At my house we take our own reusable fruit & veggies bags as well as our reusable shopping bags to the supermarket. That way we don’t need any plastic bags for our fruit and veggies.

    Keep the blogging up!

    Blog ya later,

